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  • Check out what happened at the Fencing Extravaganza! That’s what we’re calling the two events that took place in September at TFC in Toronto: a fencing and friendly social night on Friday evening,
  • Back to School, back to fencing! If it's back to school season for the kids, it's back to fencing for you!! And we have a chock full schedule of exciting STUFF for you this fencing season.
  • Registration for veteran events at the Ontario Provincial Championships closes February 25 at regular prices:  see Note that you can register for
  • Ten daring souls, a few of whom had never fenced before came to the Clinic led by coach Parviz Haghandish and coach Pat Fournier, who assisted.  There were equal numbers of sabeurs, foilists, and
  • [caption id="attachment_187" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Vet Clinic participants, January 15, 2018[/caption] Despite horrific driving conditions, 33 vet fencers made it to the Vango Fencing
  • We've extended the registration deadline for the January 15 clinic until Sunday, January 14. We're delighted that over 25 veterans and pre-vets have registered for the clinic already! This includes